Dylan J. Altschuler
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I am currently a math postdoc at Carnegie Mellon, supervised by Konstantin Tikhomirov. I completed my PhD in mathematics in May 2023 at New York University (Courant), where I was fortunate to be advised by Jonathan Niles-Weed. Prior to that, I graduated from Princeton University in 2018 with a B.A. in mathematics, with my senior thesis advised by Allan Sly.
You can reach me at daltschu [at] andrew.cmu.edu. My office is Wean Hall 8212.
I study probability, especially high-dimensional phenomena with applications to geometry, statistical physics, and combinatorics.
Universal geometric non-embedding of random regular graphs
DJA, Konstantin Tikhomirov.
arXiv, 2025.
It is a classical result that degree-regular expander graphs cannot be embedded as geometric graphs into Euclidean space of dimension that is sublogarithmic in the number of vertices. We show that this dimensional obstruction is universal with respect to the choice of norm. For asymptotically almost every degree-regular graph, there is no normed space of sublogarithmic dimenison which admits a geometric embedding.
A combinatorial approach to nonlinear spectral gaps
DJA, Pandelis Dodos, Konstantin Tikhomirov, and Konstantinos Tyros.
arXiv, 2024.
Given a graph and a function mapping vertices to vectors, the standard discrete Poincare inequality bounds the Euclidean norm of the function in terms of the Euclidean norm of its discrete gradient. A natural generalization is to replace the usage of the Euclidean norm with an arbitrary norm, giving rise to the notion of ``nonlinear'' (i.e. non-Euclidean) spectral gaps. We introduce a combinatorial framework for proving quantitative estimates on nonlinear spectral gaps. As a corollary, we generalize a celebrated non-embeddability result of Matousek for expander graphs.
On spectral outliers for inhomogenous random symmetric matrices
DJA, Patrick O. Santos, Konstantin Tikhomirov, Pierre Youssef.
Submitted, 2024. (arXiv)
The spectra of Wigner matrices is quite well understood. Less is known when the assumption of a uniform variance profile is dropped. Our contribution is sharp conditions for the presence of eigenvalue outliers, depending only on the ``sparsity'', rather than the fine-grained structure, of the variance profile. This provides a "structural universality" principle.
A note on the capacity of the binary perceptron
DJA, Konstantin Tikhomirov.
Permanent manuscript, 2024. (arXiv).
A note on an elementary argument to show the capacity of the half-space binary perceptron is at most .847 (conjectured is .833, the best recorded previous bound is .996, and one is the trivial upper bound). Not intended for journal publication.
Zero-one laws for random feasibility problems
Submitted (under revision), 2023. (arXiv).
We introduce and study a random model of combinatorial optimization with geometric structure. A variety of problems are encoded in this model, including random versions of: linear programming, integer programming, closest vector problem, shortest vector problem, combinatorial discrepancy, matrix balancing, and generalized perceptron models. Our main result is a robust "sharp threshold" or "zero-one" law for the feasibility of this problem. This yields a number of new sharp threshold results in the mentioned problems.
Critical window of the symmetric perceptron
Electron. J. Probab., 2023. (arXiv // video).
We establish the size of the fluctuations in the "combinatorial discrepancy of a Gaussian matrix" (equivalently, the critical window of the "storage capacity of the symmetric binary perceptron"). Perhaps quite surprisingly, the critical window corresponds to the addition of an (almost) constant number of rows! We also contribute exponential tail bounds.
Discrepancy of random rectangular matrices
Jonathan Niles-Weed.
Random Struct. Algorithms, 2021. (arXiv)
We give an exact trade-off between discrepancy, dimension, and sparsity, for some canonical ensembles of integer matrices. This trade-off was previously only known in very limited parameter regimes: there is a fundamental obstruction to obtaining concentration results for integer matrices below a certain sparsity. By combining Stein's method of exchangeable pairs with the second moment method, we move past this obstruction and essentially characterize all regimes simultaneously.
Localized radial roll patterns in higher space dimensions
Jason J. Bramburger, DJA, Chloe I. Avery, Tharathep Sangsawang, Margaret Beck, Paul Carter, Bjorn Sandstede.
SIAM J. Applied Dynamical Systems, 2019. ( PDF)
We investigate the "snaking" phenomenon in the bifurcation diagrams of some PDE's.
Critical long range percolation: scaling limits for small β
DJA, Allan Sly.
Princeton Senior Thesis, 2018. (I hope to "eventually" write this up for publication. In the meanwhile, manuscript is available on request.)
We establish the a.s. convergence of 1-d critical long-range percolation to a random scaling limit, with respect to the "Gromov-Hausdorff" metric.
The developmental rules of neural superposition in Drosophila
Marion Langen, Egemen Agi, DJA, Lani F. Wu, Steven J. Altschuler, Peter R. Hiesinger.
Cell, 2015. ( PDF )
We investigate pattern formation in the neural wiring process of the drosophila (fruit fly) compound eye during development.
The zoo of solitons for curve shortening in R^n
DJA, Steven J. Altschuler, Lani F. Wu, Sigurd B. Angenent.
Nonlinearity, 2015. ( ArXiv)
We classify all solutions to the curve shortening equation that evolve by homotheti (any combination of translation, dilation, rotation).
There are several other mathematicians with the same last name; if you are looking for an optimization expert (who shares some co-authors), you may be looking for my brother Jason.